Unleash the Power of Visual Analytics

Opportunity: Align your organization for success by filtering out noise and conquering complex issues with proven knowledge enablement tools.

Power BI

Connect to and visualize any data using Microsoft Power BI, the unified, scalable platform for self-service and enterprise business intelligence


a visual analytics platform transforming the way we use data to solve problems—empowering people and organizations to make the most of their data.


ArcGIS gives you everything you need to manage and extract answers from imagery and remotely sensed data.


Intelligent Data Visualization

Data is not useful if we cannot get information out of it. Logic Intelligence can help decision making process easier by providing intelligent insights into the process.

The art of data visualization

Data Viz is story telling by highlighting the information that is important to the company and making the decision process easier.

Converting data to information

Weaving the data together so that it makes sense across the business units.

Getting information from your data

Once the data is collected, the next step is to derive the stories to get information the data is providing.


Dashboards are a collection of visual reports that tells a story.

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Plotting data in Maps helps users to visually assess the data at a location perspective.

Data Explorer Reports (Data Models)

A way to dive into the data to find anomalies and mine particular sets of the information.

Self-service BI

Giving power to the users!! Setting up a platform that users can easily create and share their own reports to tell stories that are important to them.

Ready to see how Logic Intelligence can transform your business?